JavaScript access to the blockchain


This page describes the way your application can get notified of new blocks being added to the Bitcoin Cash chain.


The property takes a function and has as an implicit effect that we subscribe to chain-changed events. The server will send us updates of chain-changed events as they happen.

const FloweeServices = require('floweejs');
var Flowee = new FloweeServices(); = function(change) {

// connect to the default Flowee server.

This will give you an output like below when a new block arrived:

  blockId: '79070931789198c69242297db04f9678b7d7b9002634ede5f4e62d36b41d27cb',
  blockHash: Uint8Array(32) [ /* bytes */ ],
  blockHeight: 10

Some times the chain gets split, typically no more than 1 block. This is the result of 2 blocks being mined by different miners at the same time. In some of these cases you will get a so called “reorg” where the chain reorganizes itself after another block comes in.

In that case you will get the following output:

removed: [
      blockId: '79070931789198c69242297db04f9678b7d7b9002634ede5f4e62d36b41d27cb',
      blockHash: [Uint8Array],
      blockHeight: 10
      blockId: '06e81dfcc3c3eb46004b41cb3ce67a21cf995847df07b5e44b6edb1703ff0408',
      blockHash: [Uint8Array],
      blockHeight: 9