JavaScript access to the blockchain


This chapter describes the functions and properties related to the address monitor feature. The address monitor allows JavaScript users to specify a target address and get a notification when, on the network, something gets deposited on that address.

Where the name Flowee is used, this is the variable which results from a call similar to:

const FloweeServices = require('floweejs');
var Flowee = new FloweeServices();`


The Flowee.subscribeToAddress() and Flowee.unsubscribeToAddress() are used to update the global list of addresses that are monitored for us. The monitoring happens in the Hub and when it notices an address being used it will push a notification to us. The notifications will thus be near instant as the network notices the new event.

The events coming from the network are sent to the function passed to the property. The function is called for transaction-found, which is when a transaction is validated and known to be correct and it stores money in the requested address. On first subscription of an address, the current mempool will be searched and a notification will be sent at that time, even if the transaction was sent earlier.

A second network event that results in the callback is the transaction-mined event. This moves a transaction from being unconfirmed to be included in a block. Notice that this means a certain txid can be reported twice, once when it is found and a second time when it is mined.

In the case where the transaction is found, but not yet mined, we could see the sender try to double spend the transaction. Which is an active move that in most cases is meant to defraud the receiver of the address. General guidance is that if a double spend is seen within 3 seconds of the initial transaction-found callback, then that transaction should wait for a confirmation before being accepted as payment.

The Flowee apps detect this all double spends and will call your function with reason of the type double-spend. This will include the full 2nd transaction which double spends the output meant for your registered address.




  • Address OR [Array of Addresses]
    The bitcoinCash address. We also support legacy address types and BitcoinScriptHash.

For most usages you can pass in the bitcoinCash:address, which supports both pay-to-public-key-hash (P2PKH) and pay-to-script-hash (P2SH) type of target addresses.

For more exclusive scripts, and future compatibility, we also allow the hash of the entire output script to be used. To understand how this works you should know that on a P2PKH is always the same couple of Bitcoin-Script operators which are combined with the raw address. Those operators make it a P2PKH payment. This complete set is stored in the output script.

We can then take the entire output script and make it a constant length by applying the SHA256 hash algorithm. And this gives us the BitcoinScriptHash value.

The simple ‘bitcoincash’ formatted address is accepted as a parameter, but if you want to accept something more complex this is possible by using the BitcoinScriptHash.


This method doesn’t have a return value, errors will be thrown as exceptions.



  • Address OR [Array of Addresses]
    Same as in Flowee.subscribeToAddress()


This method doesn’t have a return value, errors will be thrown as exceptions.


Every time an event happens on the network on one of the addresses registered, the method registered on this property will be called.


  • changeObject

Example: = function(change) {


Here an example output for the event ’transaction-found’:

  address: 'bitcoincash:qz50e9ycu4u3rtqman03vzg4ea7mvw5zguj48xf26t',
  txid: '6cac683af01a65d1260651fad3d3d827b644cd1c73682f5357fb062bbbd6872e',
  amount: 546,
  reason: 'transaction-found'

The same transaction was later confirmed which resulted in this ’transaction-mined’ event.

  address: 'bitcoincash:qz50e9ycu4u3rtqman03vzg4ea7mvw5zguj48xf26t',
  amount: 546,
  offsetInBlock: 222345,
  reason: 'transaction-mined'