Flowee the Hub — API documentation


Header tags

In the network layer we use messages, where each message is a single unit sent from peer to peer. Messages have a maximum length of 9000 bytes and can be as short as 6 bytes. Message anatomy is further best explained with an example.

Also note the CMF spec for how to encode these on-the-wire. The Network layer doesn’t define the encoding of the body part of messages, the API will actually use the same CMF encoding, though.

Messages always have a header and optionally have a body. Headers have the following values reserved;

Header End
0) This tag (typically bool true) denotes the end of the header.
1) This tag is a positive number.
We map messages to services by embedding a service-id in the message-header. We have several services and users can add their own services, as such you can see a service as a routing-id. A message with service-id “UtilService” will be sent to the utilities service for processing.
2) Service-specific message-id.
Within each service there is a list of messages the service knows how to handle or create. For instance the System service accepts a Message-id of type Ping. It sends replies of message-type Pong.
3) Marker of sequence start with value of total size.
The network layer limits message size to no larger than 9000 bytes. To send a body of larger size you can cut it into separate messages, for instance of 8 KiB bytes. The sequence of messages starts with this header tag which contains the total body-size of the big message.
4) This is a boolean present in any message part of a sequence.
Each message that is part of a larger sequence (see SequenceStart) should have this tag and all except the last should have the false value.
5) Used by the Ping message.
6) used by the Pong message.


Software layers using the networking layer can need to send data of any size, for instance large Bitcoin blocks. To avoid any optimizations to support this on the network layer we introduce message sequences.

A larger message can be split into many small messages, typically each body measuring only 8KiB in size.

Non sequence messages can be freely mixed into the sequence, they will be handled as soon as they come in in proper implementations.

A sequence needs to be finished completely before a new one can be started, violating this rule will typically result in a disconnect and possible ban.

First message;

  • ServiceId: positive-number
  • MessageId: positive-number
  • SequenceStart: positive-number stating the number of bytes in the re-assembled body.
  • LastInSequence: bool-false
  • HeaderEnd: bool-true
  • body chunk


  • ServiceId: positive-number
  • MessageId: positive-number
  • LastInSequence: bool-false
  • HeaderEnd: bool-true
  • body chunk


  • ServiceId: positive-number
  • MessageId: positive-number
  • LastInSequence: bool-false
  • HeaderEnd: bool-false
  • body chunk

Message types


A peer that made a connection to another peer needs to ping every 90-120 seconds, lest they get disconnected.

ServiceId: 1positive-number126
Ping: 5bool-true
Header-end: 0bool-true


Pings are always replied to with a pong. A lack of pong for 90-120 seconds will lead to a disconnect.

ServiceId: 1positive-number126
Pong: 6bool-true
Header-end: 0bool-true