Flowee the Hub — API documentation


Blockchain Service

The hub provides access to the blockchain, which is easiest to see as a big database. The blockchain is a list of blocks and each block has a list of transactions. Because this database is too big for iteration you need to understand the way that Flowee the Hub wants you to access the data if you want to get the best speed.

Blocks are sequential, which means that you can request any block by its height, a natural number increasing continuously. If you request data that is very recent we suggest to use the blockhash instead to avoid reorgs causing hard to trace bugs.

Inside of blocks we list transactions serially as well, but beware that we don’t use an index on blocks. Instead services use “offset-in-block” as an ID. This is the amount of bytes into the block that the transaction is stored. Notice that the first transaction (the coinbase) is always at position 81.

Inside of the transaction we don’t have any sort of indexing, but pre-processing the transaction on the Hub will in many cases still be faster than sending the entire thing to clients. As such we allow a large range of options to fetch specific pieces of the transaction. See the GetBlock and GetTransaction messages for details.

This service has Service-Id: 1

Datatypes are raw

Transaction-ids, block-ids and addresses are always sent and expected as raw byte-arrays.

Hashes are often printed in hex form, which is easy to recognize because they become twice as long. In the API we want the fully decoded values. A sha256 block-hash is 32 bytes.

Addresses are often encoded using methods like cash-address or base58, this should be done as close as possible to the user and only fully decoded versions are accepted on the API. Addresses are 20 byte hashes.



Hub / API. sId=1 mId=0


Hub / API. sId=1 mId=1
Difficulty: 64floating-pointDifficulty of chain
MedianTime: 65natural-numbertime in seconds
ChainWork: 66sha256Total amount of work in chain
Chain: 67stringChain ID like "main"
Blocks: 68natural-numberamount of blocks processed
Headers: 69natural-numberNumber of headers we validated
BestBlockHash: 70sha256Chain-tips block-hash
VerificationProgress: 71floating-pointNumber between 0 and 1


Hub / API. sId=1 mId=2


Hub / API. sId=1 mId=3
GenericByteArray: 1bytearray32-byte hash


This one method (and its sister method GetTransaction) hide a lot of power because there are a large number of settings to request exactly how to return a block. You can filter which transactions to be included based on several options.

Additionally the selected transactions can be sent in full but you can also elect to let the Hub parse the transaction and send an annotated list of items. For instance only the inputs, or only the amount sent for each output.

Below the message table we go into detail for these methods.

Hub / API. sId=1 mId=4
BlockHash: 5bytearray32-byte blockhash. Alternative to BlockHeight
BlockHeight: 7numberHeight of the block in the chain.
FilterOnScriptType: 39bitfield (number) Script-types (see table below).
ReuseScriptHashFilter: 40boolReuse an address filter (ScriptHash based) created on a previous GetBlock call.
SetFilterScriptHash: 41bytearrayClears and add a filter address
AddFilterScriptHash: 42bytearrayAdd a 20 byte bitcoin address.
Select how transactions should be reported in the reply.
Include_TxId: 43boolReturn a txid field for selected transactions.
Include_OffsetInBlock: 44boolReturn offset in block field for selected transactions.
FullTransactionData: 45boolReturn full transaction data. Default true, unless one of the "Include" fields is true.
Include_Inputs: 46boolReturn all inputs for selected transactions
Include_OutputAmounts: 47boolReturn amounts (in Satoshi) for selected transactions
Include_OutputScripts: 48boolReturn out-scripts for selected transactions.
Include_Outputs: 49boolReturn all outputs for selected transactions.
Include_OutputAddresses: 50boolReturn output-addresses selected transactions, if they are p2pkh or p2pk.
Include_OutputScriptHash: 51boolReturn output-script hashed. Supports all payment types.

Address Filters

This concept allows filtering of transactions based on a match of an output-script to a specific script-hash. Script hashes are useful in this context because they are generic for all payment methods and address types.

Adds a single script hash to the filter
Same as AddFilterScriptHash, but clears the filters first
allows a getblock to reuse the filter from a previous call to getblock. As long as it was using the same connection.

Filter on Script-Type

This concept allows filtering of transactions based on a match between demanded script-types and the script-types used in the transaction.

What is a scrypt-type? This is similar to a template, but specifically we highlight a number of typical script opcodes that can be used to select a transaction on. Should one of the below opcodes be used in any of the outputs, then the filter will match.

ScriptTag Flag-value
OpReturn 1
OpChecksig / OpCheckSigVerify 2
OpCheckmultisig / OpCheckmultisigVerify 4
OpCheckLockTimeverify 8,
OpCheckDataSig / OpCheckDataSigVerify 0x10
Is a P2SH based output 0x20

Multiple script-tags can be filtered on, just add the different values together and pass the result to the FilterOnScriptType message value.

Notice that Address-filters and Script-type filters work addative. The result will include transactions that match either Address filters OR script-type filters.

Report parsed results

This concept allows the selected transactions to be parsed by the Hub and the result will be tagged for easy consumption. For those that worry about bandwidth usage, this is an excellent way to limit the amount of data sent and processed client-side.

For all the include_* fields the rule is that if they are not included in the request, they are set to false.

The FullTransactionData default value is a bit more complex, it is true (send full transaction data) by default, unless the request enables one or more Include_* fields. If this is confusing, just include the FullTransactionData and set it explicity to true or false. Its just one byte in the request.

This enables the reply to have the Tx_IN_TxId the Tx_IN_OutIndex and the Tx_InputScript. fields.
Returns the Tx_Out_Amount.
Returns the Tx_OutputScript.
Returns the BitcoinP2PKHAddress, but only if it is a Public-Key-Hash!
Returns the script-hash of the output. This one works for all address-types.
This is a shortcut to enable both Include_OutputAmounts and Include_OutputScripts.


A full transaction
Hub / API. sId=1 mId=5
Full raw transaction: 1bytearray
TxId: 4bytearray32-byte transaction hash
BlockHash: 5bytearray32-byte blockhash.
BlockHeight: 7natural-numberHeight of the block in the chain.
Tx_OffsetInBlock: 8natural-numberKey useful for GetTransaction
Tx_IN_TxId 20bytearray32-byte hash (sha256) of the spending txid that this input spends.
Tx_IN_OutIndex 21natural-numberindex input in transaction identified Tx_IN_TxID that this input is spending.
Tx_InputScript 22bytearrayFull input script. Typically pubkeys and signatures.
Tx_Out_Index 24natural-numberthe index of the output in the current transaction.
Tx_Out_Amount 6positive-numberThe amount of satoshis this output holds.
Tx_OutputScript 23bytearrayFull outputscript
BitcoinP2PKHAddress: 2bytearray20-byte address

Due to filters the answer may not include all transactions in a block and for transactions included outputs may also be filtered. Outputs that are included will thus always be prefixed with a Tx_Out_Index field indicating which index the next data is about.


This is a mapping to the legacy JSON RPC API to return a header of the block plus a list of transaction-ids.

Hub / API. sId=1 mId=6
BlockHash: 5bytearray32-byte blockhash. Alternative to BlockHeight
BlockHeight: 7numberHeight of the block in the chain.
Verbose: 60boolIf false, return the raw block data (default: true)


Hub / API. sId=1 mId=7
Time: 63natural-numbertime in seconds
Difficulty: 64floating-pointDifficulty of chain
MedianTime: 65natural-numbertime in seconds
ChainWork: 66sha256Total amount of work in chain
Nonce: 74natural-numberminer defined random number
Bits: 75bytearrayThe bits
PrevBlockHash: 76sha256previous block hash (aka blockid)
NextBlockHash: 77sha256next block hash (aka blockid)


Hub / API. sId=1 mId=8


Hub / API. sId=1 mId=9
BlockHash: 5bytearray32-byte blockhash.
Confirmations: 72natural-numberAmount of blocks build on top
BlockHeight: 7natural numberBlock index in the chain.
Version: 62natural-numberblock-version
MerkleRoot: 73bytearray32 byte sha256, merkleroot
Time: 63natural-numbertime in seconds
Difficulty: 64floating-pointDifficulty of chain
MedianTime: 65natural-numbertime in seconds
Nonce: 74natural-numberminer defined random number
Bits: 75bytearrayThe bits
PrevBlockHash: 76sha256previous block hash (aka blockid)
NextBlockHash: 77sha256next block hash (aka blockid)


Hub / API. sId=1 mId=10


Hub / API. sId=1 mId=11
BlockHeight: 7natural numbernumber of validated blocks in chain.


Hub / API. sId=1 mId=12
BlockHash: 5bytearray32-byte blockhash. Alternative to BlockHeight
BlockHeight: 7numberHeight of the block in the chain.
Tx_OffsetInBlock: 8natural-numberByte-offset in block
Include_TxId: 43boolReturn a txid field for selected transactions.
Include_OffsetInBlock: 44boolReturn offset in block field for selected transactions.
FullTransactionData: 45boolReturn full transaction data. Default true, unless one of the "Include" fields is true.
Include_Inputs: 46boolReturn all inputs for selected transactions
Include_OutputAmounts: 47boolReturn amounts (in Satoshi) for selected transactions
Include_OutputScripts: 48boolReturn out-scripts for selected transactions.
Include_Outputs: 49boolReturn all outputs for selected transactions.
Include_OutputAddresses: 50bool Return output-addresses selected transactions, if they are p2pkh or p2pk.
Include_OutputScriptHash: 51boolReturn output-script hashed. Supports all payment types.
Include_TxFee: 53boolReturn the fee for each matched transaction.
FilterOutputIndex: 52number Only include 'output' items for this specific output-index.
Can be passed multiple times.


Hub / API. sId=1 mId=13
Full raw transaction: 1bytearrayA full transaction
BitcoinP2PKHAddress: 2bytearray20-byte address
TxId: 4bytearray32-byte transaction hash
Amount: 6numberThe number of Satoshis
BlockHeight: 7natural-numberHeight of the block in the chain.
Tx_OffsetInBlock: 8natural-numberOffset in block
Tx_IN_TxId 20bytearray32-byte hash (sha256) of the spending txid that this input spends.
Tx_IN_OutIndex 21natural-numberindex input in transaction identified Tx_IN_TxID that this input is spending.
Tx_InputScript 22bytearrayFull input script. Typically pubkeys and signatures.
Tx_OutputScript 23bytearrayFull outputscript
Tx_Out_Index 24natural-numberthe index of the output in the current transaction.
TxFees: 25numberNumber of satoshis that the inputs amounts are higher than the output amounts.

Due to Include_* filters the answer may not include all outputs in a transaction. Outputs that are included will thus always be prefixed with a Tx_Out_Index field indicating which index the next data is about.