JavaScript access to the blockchain


This chapter describes the functions and properties related to the search() family of features.

Where the name Flowee is used, this is the variable which results from a call similar to:

var Flowee = require('bindings')('flowee') {} )

The search function takes an object literal that can optionally have various functions and properties. Functions provided are called by the search engine when certain types of data have been found. For instance, when a new transaction has been found the user function onTxAdded() is called with the transaction as a property.

The search object takes as input so called “jobs”. There can be many search-jobs that together make one search and the results are gathered in lists of transactions and block-headers.

The search will finish when all jobs have been completed and then the onFinished() function is called for the user to parse the results.


  • Request Object
    an object literal that will become the search object. See Request Object below.


This function returns a promise. Notice that the promise in some cases requires at least NodeJS v12.6 [] )

This is an overloaded version of the search() above, this version takes only the ‘jobs’ array as an argument.


  • jobs
    An array of job objects.


This function returns a promise. Notice that in this case the promise requires at least NodeJS v12.6

Request Object

The request object is what you pass into the search, and this object is the ’this’ in the functions, including the onFinished() function.

  jobs: [
     {  // Fetch this transaction
        value: txid,
        type: Flowee.Job.FetchTx,
        txFilter: [
            Flowee.IncludeOutputAmounts, Flowee.IncludeTxId

  onTxAdded: function(transaction) {
        type: Flowee.Job.FetchBlockHeader,
        value: transaction.blockHeight

  onFinished: function(unFinishedJobCount) { /* process results here */ }


The request object has these properties. All are optional.

  • jobs
    This is an array of jobs. See Job for details on this class.
  • onAddressUsedInOutput
    Allows users to set a function pointer for a callback. (optional)
    This function is called when a job of type Flowee.LookupByAddress has returned with results.
    onAddressUsedInOutput: function(blockHeight, offsetInBlock, outIndex) {}
  • onTxAdded
    Allows users to set a function pointer for a callback. (optional)
    This function is called when a job of type Flowee.FetchTx has returned with results.
    onTxAdded: function(transaction) {}
  • onFinished
    Allows users to set a function pointer for a callback. (optional)
    This function is called when all jobs have completed. The argument ‘unFinishedJobCount’ is the amount of jobs that the search didn’t manage to start. Typically due to missing properties.
    onFinished: function(unFinishedJobCount) {}
  • onTxIdResolved
    Allows users to set a function pointer for a callback. (optional)
    This function is called when a job of type Flowee.LookupTxById has returned with results.
    onTxIdResolved: function(jobId, blockHeight, offsetInBlock) {}
  • onSpentOutputResolved
    Allows users to set a function pointer for a callback. (optional)
    This function is called when a job of type Flowee.LookupSpentTx has returned with results.
    onSpentOutputResolved: function(jobId, blockHeight, offsetInBlock) {}
  • onUtxoLookup
    Allows users to set a function pointer for a callback. (optional)
    This function is called when a job of type Flowee.FetchUTXOUnspent or Flowee.FetchUTXODetails has returned with results.
    onUtxoLookup: function(utxoEntry) {}
  • binaryHashes
    Should the user set this to true the hashes (txid, previousTxid) are created as bytearrays instead of hex-strings.
  • transactions
    An array of Transaction objects, as populated by the search engine containing the actually found transactions. Consider this read-only.
  • block$height
    Each block-header that was fetched (with Flowee.FetchBlockHeader) is placed in a property with the format block100 for the header of the block at height 100.


  • addJob(job)
    append a job to the jobs array. Which, if all values are provided, will be executed.

Transaction class

A transaction object is created by search and stored in an array on the Request Object under the property transactions. Notice that based on the job.txFilter option only some of these properties may be filled in.

  • jobId
    The index in the request objects jobs array that was responsible for fetching this transaction.
  • txid
    The transaction id (sha256 hash)
  • blockHeight
    The blockheight is the index of the block mined. Genesis was 11 years ago mined at block height 0, there is on average one new block added to this chain every 10 minutes.
  • offsetInBlock
    The byte-offset in the block that this transaction is located.
  • isCoinbase
    If this is a coinbase transaction, which creates new money as a block-reward, then this is set to true.
  • inputs
    An array of inputs.
  • input.outputIndex
    An index spends another transaction’s output, this indicates the output-index it spends.
  • input.previousTxid
    An index spends another transaction’s output, this indicates which transaction it spends.
  • input.script
    The input script contains the signatures and other proof that unlocks the output script it spends.
  • input.script-array
    This is the inputScript, but in array format (raw).
  • outputs
    An array of outputs.
  • output.index
    The index of the output.
  • output.amount
    The amount of money that this output spends. In satoshis. 100 000 000 satoshis go in one Bitcoin.
  • output.script
    The output script is the locking script for this output.
  • output.script-array
    This is the same outputscript, but in array format (raw).
  • fullTxData
    An array of the raw transaction data.


The Blockheader object is stored in block$height named properties, on the request-object. You’d write:

const header = result[`block${tx.blockHeight}`];
  • height
    The block height is the index of the block mined. Genesis was 11 years ago mined at block height 0, there is on average one new block added to this chain every 10 minutes.
  • confirmations
    The amount of blocks mined after this block on the blockchain, more means better security. Copied at the time of running the search.
  • hash
    The block-hash.
  • version
    Block version.
  • time
    The timestamp of this block that the miner added when they created it (in seconds since epoch).
  • mediantime
    The middle time of the last 11 blocks. Which is just the block time of 6 blocks ago (in seconds since epoch).
  • nonce
    The random number added by the miner as part of the mining process.
  • bits
    The difficulty, represented in bits.
  • difficulty
    The difficulty represented in floating point.
  • merkleroot
    This blocks merkle-root.


The Job object is created by users and sometimes by the framework and typically stored on the jobs array which is part of the request-object.

  • type
    This has to be filled in and come from the Job-type enum.
  • value
    This contains the main value that is the input of the job. Job-type dependent.
  • value2
    This (optionally) contains another value, specific for the job-type.
  • value3
    This (optionally) contains another value, specific for the job-type.
  • txFilter
    If the job is a type that fetches transactions then this should be an array of items from the Include enum.